
What is an Adaptogen Adaptogens are a group of herbs or substances that are believed to assist the body in adapting to stress and maintaining balance. They have a normalizing effect on bodily functions, which helps the body to respond to stressors more effectively....

Chamomile Tea

Let’s make Chamomile Tea! Welcome to the wonderful world of herbs at Heart of Herbs Herbal School. We’re excited to embark on this herbal journey together! Today, let’s kick things off with a simple and soothing recipe for Chamomile Tea. Making...

Nutrition and Immune Health

Nutrition and Immune Health Having a healthy immune system is essential to prevent diseases, and good nutrition plays a vital role in supporting and maintaining it. The immune system protects the body against harmful pathogens like viruses, bacteria, and other foreign...

Elderberry Uses

Elderberry Uses Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) is a plant that has been used for various purposes throughout history, notably for its potential health benefits. Other parts of the elderberry plant, including the berries, flowers, and bark, have been utilized for mixed...

How to make Herbal Butter.

Let’s Make Herbal Butter Making herbal butter is a simple process that involves infusing regular butter with the flavors and aromas of herbs. It can be used in cooking or as a spread to add a unique twist to your dishes. Here’s a basic recipe for making...