Dandelion Uses

Dandelion Uses Dandelions  (Taraxacum officinale) considered pesky weeds that are removed from lawns and gardens. The poor dandelion has been vilified in yards for years now.  Dandelion uses, see them all! However, the leaves of the dandelion plant, known as dandelion...

My Favorite Foraging Books

My Favorite Foraging Books These are my three favorite herbal foraging books.I am so happy to have these at my disposal when hiking or exploring the world around me. Now I change my favorite books every five minutes, it seems sometimes, but these have been treasured...

Great Herbs for PMS

 Great Herbs For PMS PMS is a common issue women often deal with. For some, it can mean bloating, headaches, cramping, constipation, breast tenderness, water retention, and moodiness, including irritability, weepiness, and mood swings. Recently, a mother emailed me...

Materia Medica. What is it?

Materia Medica, What is it? A materia medica is in herbalism files or information on herbs and actions. Most herbalists keep these types of files of the different herbs they use, their experiences, and other notes on how or how they use the herb. Materia medicas can...

Five Herbal Aphrodisiacs

Five Herbal Aphrodisiacs Well, mostly herbal aphrodisiacs. Many herbs can healthily increase your libido. Herbs like ginseng and muira puama have been used for centuries to enhance sex drive. Oysters, a common aphrodisiac, contain an amino acid called carnitine that...