Backyard Apothecary: Chickweed

Today, we’re going to delve deep into the fascinating world of common backyard weeds. These are the resilient plants that unexpectedly appear in our gardens and yards, often in the most inconvenient places. Despite being traditionally seen as an eyesore or a nuisance, these so-called weeds have a remarkable hidden side. Many of them have been utilized for centuries in herbal medicine and even as ingredients in the kitchen. So, grab your gardening gloves and your notebooks because we’re about to discover the hidden wonders of these misunderstood plants!

Let’s check out our third backyard superstar:
Chickweed (Stellaria media)

Now, let’s talk about chickweed, that delicate, sprawling plant with tiny white star-shaped flowers. Don’t let its dainty appearance fool you; chickweed is a powerhouse!

Medicinal Properties

Chickweed is often used in herbal medicine as a cooling herb, perfect for reducing inflammation and treating skin irritations. It’s also a mild diuretic and can be used to support urinary tract health. Chickweed is rich in vitamins and minerals, making it an excellent general tonic for boosting overall health.


Chickweed is a cooling herb that helps reduce inflammation, making it helpful in treating skin conditions such as eczema, rashes, and insect bites.


It has demulcent properties, soothing mucous membranes, and irritated tissues, both internally and externally.



Chickweed has mild diuretic properties, helping to support the elimination of excess fluids from the body, which can be helpful for reducing swelling and edema.

Wound Healing

Chickweed is known for its ability to promote the healing of wounds and sores when applied topically.

Weight Loss

Traditionally, chickweed has been used to support weight loss and metabolism, though scientific evidence on this is limited.

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The information presented on the Heart of Herbs Herbal School/Demetria Clark websites is for educational purposes only. Heart of Herbs Herbal School/Demetria Clark Education LLC makes neither medical claims nor intends to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Links to external sites are for informational purposes only. Heart of Herbs Herbal School/Demetria Clark neither endorses them nor is in any way responsible for their content. Readers must do their own research regarding the safety and usage of any herbs, recipes, or supplements.

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