Naturally fortifying and increasing milk supply.
Increasing milk supply is a massive topic for breastfeeding parents. For most, this isn’t a genuine issue, but if you are experiencing this, these recipes may help.
Many now-famous tea company blends have been based on these recipes since I originally published them in 2000.
You can make your own versions of these recipes.
Nursing is one of the most potent energy exchanges between two people. The Parent and Child have connected at a deep soul level again. This intense bond is one mother and child will share forever. These teas can help increase the milk supply.

Sometimes, our busy lives, medicine, myths, and measurements seem to sabotage our efforts and undermine this power relationship. This is a battleground, and we all need to protect and nourish this relationship until the outside world gets its head on straight and chooses to be more supportive and breastfeeding-friendly. One way we can do this is to surround ourselves with loving and supportive friends and family. Another way is to self-educate and tell everyone we know about our education ( which I am sure you all already do). Another way is to fortify the milk supply, relax the parent, and ensure we are healthy, strong, and self-assured. Being strong, healthy, and self-assured can be hard when we are overtired, overworked, lonely, and unsure. One way we can turn the tables on those emotions is to nourish ourselves with a cup
A cup of tea you say, okay….
Tell me why this is helpful?
What a cup of tea can do: Supply the body with liquid Supply the body with Vitamins, Nutrients, and Minerals. Give Mom a few minutes to drink in peace and to breathe.
Allow the parent to be creative with blending their teas and finding the one they like the most.
Herbal teas can fortify and increase milk supply. I will share some recipes from my files and tell you what some other Herbally knowledgeable women like. Before we start, I want to review the basic skills involved in making medicinal tea.
An Infusion is when simmered water is poured over plant matter and allowed to sit for at least 20 minutes; it can sit overnight, though. As a general rule, I allow 4 hours. Infusions are made from flowers, leaves, and soft stems.
A Decoction is when the plant matter is placed into simmered water and allowed to simmer for twenty minutes. Harder stems, roots, and barks are decocted.
Part- a part is a base measurement. Depending on the desired quantity, a part is 1 of something, a tablespoon, teaspoon, or cup.
Breastfeeding Herbs
Mama Milk
1 part Blessed Thistle (also known as Mothermilk Thistle) (Cnicus Benedictus)
Two parts Nettle (Nettles are one of the most diverse plants we have, food, herbal medicine, tinctures, etc. They strengthen and support the whole body. Throughout Europe, they are used as a spring tonic and general detoxifying remedy. Rich in Chlorophyll, Iron, Calcium and, it increases breastmilk and energy) (Urtica dioica)
Two parts Red Raspberry Leaf (Rich in Calcium and Iron) (Rubus idaeus, R. strigosus, R. parviflorus)
1 pt. Fennel Seed (Increases flow of milk) (Foeniculum vulgare)
½ part Fenugreek (Strong milk increaser)
Crush the Fenugreek and Fennel seeds. Mix the mixture and add two teaspoons to a cup of gently simmering water and simmer for ten minutes because of all the leaf matter present. This tea can help with increasing milk supply.
Mama With a Cold Tea
1-part Rose Hips (high concentrations of vitamin C)
1 part Red Raspberry Leaves (high in iron, calcium, and niacin. It also contains manganese, potassium, and plenty of vitamins including A, B, C, and E.) (Rubus idaeus, R. strigosus, R. parviflorus)
1 part Red Clover (Isoflavins, Bioflavonoids, gentle blood nourisher) (Trifolium pratenseis)
1 part Borage (contains Calcium, Potassium, and it is a tonic for the adrenals) (Borago officinalis)
Prepare as an infusion. Add two teaspoons of dried plant matter to a cup, and 1 cup of water pour over the plant. If using fresh herbs, use a tablespoon of the fresh plant chopped.
Mother Anxiety
1 part Motherwort (great for stress and anxiety) (Leonurus cardiaca)
½ part Peppermint (great for tension and nervousness) (Mentha piperita)
1 part Nettle (Urtica dioica)
One part Borage (Borago officinalis). Make as an infusion. This tea can help increase milk supply when it is linked to anxiety.
Milk Seed Tea
1 part Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus, R. strigosus, R. parviflorus)
½ part Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) ½ part Anise (Pimpinella anisum)
¼ part Caraway (Carum carvi) Crush seeds and mix with Red Raspberry Leaf.
You can also use essential oils around the house to make yourself feel more relaxed and at peace. Mom can add a few drops to her bath, shampoo, lotion, sheets, laundry, etc. Less is more with essential oils, do not take them internally, and properly educate yourself before using.
Lavender- Calming, antidepressant, and very easy to find.
Chamomile- Calming and a relaxant.
Clary Sage- Good for stress and exhaustion.
Sweet Orange- Great for wanting to feel uplifted and combatting stress.
With anything, diet is essential. Fresh fruits and vegetables are paramount, as are whole grains, fresh juices, and water. Get plenty of protein and rest. Remember that education is essential, and breastfeeding herbs are real medicinals that can cause adverse effects if improperly used, so take the time and look it up if you’re unsure.

Some herbs that are favorites of my Milk Mama Friends are:
“ A combination of Nettle, Borage and Fennel”…Heather from Northern VT.
“Borage is my absolute favorite,”… Lindsay from Western MA.
“ I love seeds, Fennel, Fenugreek all of em’”… Alison from CT.
You, too, will find your favorite and share it with all of your nursing Momma friends. Happy Drinking!
This article is not meant to replace medical advice. Seek appropriate care for breastfeeding supply issues.
Become an herbalist and learn how to use herbs for your family, friends, and your community.
Or take the next step and become a professional clinical herbalist.
Now is your time! Online, mentored education, with support and a great student group.
I can’t believe I have completed this course! This is the best experience in online schooling I have had in my adult life. Demetria Clark and her staff are always there to provide extra assistance when you need it. The hard copy books and e-learning does a wonderful job of keeping up with the times. The ability to talk to other students on social media is great.
Disclaimer Blog
The information presented on the Heart of Herbs Herbal School/Demetria Clark websites is for educational purposes only. Heart of Herbs Herbal School/Demetria Clark Education LLC makes neither medical claims nor intends to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Links to external sites are for informational purposes only. Heart of Herbs Herbal School/Demetria Clark neither endorses them nor is in any way responsible for their content. Readers must do their own research regarding the safety and usage of any herbs, recipes, or supplements.