Clinical Herbalist Certification

Clinical Herbalist Certification Course

Do you dream of having a successful herbal career?

Our online, self-paced Clinical Herbalist Certification course will equip you with all the knowledge you need to operate a successful herbal business that fills your heart with purpose and joy. Become a Master Herbalist

Whether you dream of opening a holistic clinical practice, running a local herb store, teaching community workshops, or selling herbal products, this in-depth course starts with:

  • Herbalism History and Connection
  • Aromatherapy for Herbal Practice
  • Plant profiles: Materia Medicas, Constituents and more..
  • Recipes and formulations: Course includes hundreds of recipes.
  • Medicine-making techniques and advanced formulation skills.
  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Botany
  • Ethical wildcrafting: Foraging, growing and other plant practices.
  • Herbal therapeutics for each bodily system and in-depth education to support the needs of each body system. Clinical Herbalist Certification Course
  • And more! See our syllabus for more detail. 

 After you’ve established a solid foundation in Western herbalism, we’ll transition into the business skills necessary for launching a successful herbal career, including:  

  • Legality and Client Skills  
  • Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs)  
  • Packaging design  
  • Herbal marketing and sales tips  
  • Basic accounting and business development skills for clinical herbalists.
  • Additionally, students will have access to bonuses, support, and various fun and engaging ways to work with herbs.  
  • Let us help you learn how to become a clinical herbalist. Certification for herbalists.

In addition, we cover it all and are a great fit for beginners and intermediate students who want to become clinical herbalists and botanically inspired entrepreneurs. See what our students have to say! See why they feel we are one of the best herbal schools around.

Moreover, as a member school of the American Herbalist Guild (AHG), and the time you’ll spend on your Clinical Herbalist Certification Course exceeds the hours required to become an AHG Registered Herbalist (RH) when combined with hands-on clinical experience. Other names for this distinction are Certified Master Herbalist or Master Herbalist.

clinical herbalist herbal schools
herbalist certification
herbalist clinical



6 payments of $350.00

What you’ll receive:

This robust, self-paced course includes lifetime access to 24 in-depth lessons, more than 77 videos (and we add more regularly!), hundreds of unique herbal recipes, downloadable charts and graphics, and supplementary ebooks. As a member of our herbal community, students also gain exclusive access to our private, students-only Facebook group, where we collectively share recipes and inspiration, answer each other’s questions, and cheer each other on. 

As far as we know, we’re the only online herbalism school offering our students direct access to our founder, director, and lead teacher. Above all, we’re dedicated to our student’s success, and we encourage you to submit questions and ask for clarification throughout your plant-filled journey. 

The plants are calling; will you answer?

What our students have to say, student testimonials.

I learned so much!

I love that l learned information that I never thought existed. I was taught so much more about herbs, dosages, our skin, and the human body. This is my passion. I will continue to use your guidance and tools to further my holistic journey to help heal Mother Earth, Gaia, and our Nation. Mrs. Clark, I will forever, ever.. be thankful! Every single day I use the information I learned from this course. I loved my Clinical Herbalist Certification Course.

I’m Thankful! Hugs! I am so grateful!

Carol D. 2020

Amazing and Informative

This course is nothing short of amazing and very informative. Determination determines your outcome. I loved how detailed the instructions and reading passages are. The assignments helped push me further into professionalism.
If you’re looking to be certified without the extra costs and additives of things you don’t need, then I’d suggest this program for you. I love how I was able to work at my own pace, and also the quizzes keep you sharp. I loved my Clinical Herbalist training.


Dorothy 2020

Phenomenal Experience

I had a phenomenal experience learning about herbs. I have grown sufficiently this year and if more confidence in building my herbal business. 

Very pleased with this course and I am so thankful that I found this course. I searched for nearly 5 years for the perfect course for me and my schedule. I love that it was self-paced and that I can go back and reference different videos, slides and/or etc.

So grateful for my Clinical Herbalist Certification Course.

K. Hicksonbottom 2020

Clinical Master Herbalist Syllabus

For each body system, we have extensive herbs listed and formulas for the conditions of that system, in addition to the anatomy and physiology of that system.

Syllabus- Click to expand.

Clinical Master Herbalist Syllabus Lessons


Administrative Information about your course.
Student Handbooks
Reading List
Suggested student supplies.
Requirements for Certification.
How to connect with other students.


The History of Herbalism- Learn about herbalism’s dynamic cultures and history.
FAQ for Western Herbalism
Herbalist Questions and Answers.
History of Herbalism.


Aromatherapy for Herbalists
Overview of Aromatherapy
History of Aromatherapy
Essential Oil Safety
Adverse Reactions


Wildcrafting- Ethical Wildcrafting and Safe Wildcrafting Practices.
Herbal Quality
Edible Flowers
Poisonous Plant Resources
Supportive Resources


Herbal Applications
Methods of Application
Quality and Herbal Applications
Herbal Medicine Making
Herbal Formulas
Mold in your applications?
Applications to include Infusions, Decoctions, Herbal Tinctures, Fresh Herbal Tinctures, Infused Oils, Cordials, and Vinegars.
Hand Washing
Cleaning Surfaces
Lots of supportive resources.


Botany for Master Herbalists
Botanical Presentations
Plant Identification Resources
Botanical Identification Printables
Naming of Plants
Plant Families
Flower Parts
Common Herbal Terminology
Herbal Harvest Guide
Harvesting Herbs
Herb Growing and Germination Chart
Botanical Resources


Herbal Actions
Herbal Actions Chart
Actions Resources for Herbalism
Scientific and Common Plant Names
Latin Names
Latin Name Pronunciation Guide


Materia Medicas
Materia Medica Notebook
Herbal Formulation Guidelines
Student Q&A Bonus


The Language of Plants
Legends of Plants
The Language of Flowers
Plant Identification Key


Anatomy, Phytonutrients, and Plant Constituents
Cell Structure
The Tissues of the Body
Anatomical Positions
Structures of Anatomy
More anatomy is in each body system lesson.


Digestive System-Each body system contains a multitude of digestive issues, herbal approaches to healing. It also covers the actions of each system, system health, and anatomical makeup.

Here is a small example of the Liver section:

Liver Nourishing Herbs
Helpful Herbs For the Liver
Cholagogue Herbs
Liver Support Recipes
Fortifying Herbs for the Digestive System
Digestive System Health Issues
Functions of Digestion
Digestion Nutrition
Decoctions and Infusions
Herbal Dosing


Nervous System- Each body system contains many nervous system issues and herbal approaches to healing. It also covers the actions of each system, system health, and anatomical makeup.
Nervine Tonics
Nervine Relaxants
Nervine Stimulants
Nervous System Health Issues

Some examples are:
Pain Bias
Nervous System Anxiety and Depression
Carrier Oils
Herbal Administration Guidelines.


Circulatory System Lesson- Each body system contains many circulatory issues and herbal approaches to healing. It also covers the actions of each system, system health, and anatomical makeup.
Circulatory System Health Issues.

Here is a small example of Herb Types covered in this lesson:

Herbs for the Circulatory System
Heart Tonic Herbs Circulatory Stimulant Herbs
Blood Thinners
Herbs with coumarin or coumarin derivatives
Antiplatelet Action
Cardiac Nervines
Cardiac Tonics
Circulatory Stimulants
High Blood Pressure
How to Read a Scientific Paper
Growing Plants from Seed
Horticulture and Gardening
Resources for Lesson


Respiratory System- Each body system contains many respiratory issues and herbal approaches to healing. It also covers the actions of each system, system health, and anatomical makeup.
Lung Function
Respiratory System Resource
Types of Respiratory Herbs
Allium Respiratory Recipes
Terms and Actions
Communication and Ethics in Client Care
Heart of Herbs Herbal School Code of Ethics
Intakes and Sample Intake Forms
Practice Tips
Herbal Product Pricing


Urinary Tract System- Each body system contains a multitude of urinary issues and herbal approaches to healing. It also covers the actions of each system, system health, and anatomical makeup.
Urinary Tract Lesson Materials
Urinary Tract Infections
Herbs for the Urinary Tract System
Urinary Tract Health Issues
Student Bonus Resources
Vitamins in Herbs


Women’s Health- Each body system contains a multitude of women’s health issues, and herbal approaches to healing. It also covers the actions of each system, system health, and anatomical makeup.
Remedies for Specific Issues- This is an extensive section with a large variety of issues covered from the teen years to menopause.
Herbal Applications for this system
Pregnancy Resources
Herbs for Postpartum Care
Herbs for Postpartum Perineum Care Part One
Herbs for Postpartum Perineum Care Part Two


Children’s Health- Herbal approaches to healing. It also covers the actions of each system, system health, and anatomical make up.
This lesson takes you from birth to age 18.
Children’s Health and Wellness
Some of the many issues covered are:
Cold Care
Cradle Cap
Cuts and Scrapes
Diaper Rash
Ear Infections
6 Herbs that Work Hard for Kids Resource
Best Herbal Books for Children
Children’s Safety and Herbs
Herbal Dosaging for Children.
Breastfeeding Resource


Men’s Health- Each body system contains many men’s health issues, and herbal approaches to healing. It also covers the actions of each system, system health, and anatomical makeup.

Some topics covered are:

Overall Health and Vitality
Prostate Issues
Athlete’s Foot
Erectile Issues
Male Fertility and so much more…
7 Excellent Herbs for Men’s Health
Herbs and HIV
Medicinal Mushrooms
Herbal Spreadsheet Resource
Measurement and Conversion Resource


Skeletal and Muscular System- Each body system contains many system health issues and herbal approaches to healing. It also covers the actions of each system, system health, and anatomical makeup.
Bone Anatomy and Health
Skeletal Muscular System
Types of Muscle
Issues and Herbal Support for Ailments of this System.

A small sample of topics covered:

Neck and Shoulder Pain
Tension and Stress
Treating Tendonitis
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Modern Herbalism
Bonus Resource


The Endocrine System- Each body system contains a multitude of system health issues, herbal approaches to healing. It also covers the actions of each system, system health, and anatomical make up.
Endocrine System Lesson

Sample of Topics Covered in the Lesson:

Endocrine System Issues
Thyroid Issue Herbs
Herbals Helpful for Diabetes
Adrenal Gland Supportive Herbs
Hypothyroidism Issue Herbal Supportive Herbs
Adrenal Insufficiency Supportive Herbs
52 Stress Reduction Tips
Ailment and Corresponding Herbs Chart
Main Constituents of Herbs
Herbal First Aid Kit


Pet Care- Learn how to safely use herbs for pets and other animals in your life.
A small sample of issues covered in this section:
Herbs for Dogs
Herbs for Cats
Skin Issues
Herbs for Horses
Herbs for Chickens
Herbs for Rabbits
Health issues and pest issues.
Flower Essences
Medical Terminology
Anatomical System Terms
Medical Terms
Root Words
Prefixes and Suffixes
Odds and Ends
Politics of Herbalism

Twenty- Two

Skin Care Lesson- Each body system contains a multitude of system health issues, herbal approaches to healing. It also covers the actions of each system, system health, and anatomical make up.
We cover it all in this lesson, skin anatomy, issues from acne to warts, and how to care for and formulate for skincare issues.
This lesson also covers soapmaking, manufacturing skin care products, preservatives, and recipes for skin care issues. Product labeling and so much more.
Good Manufacturing Practices


Immune and Lymph Systems- Each body system contains many system health issues and herbal approaches to healing. It also covers the actions of each system, system health, and anatomical makeup.
Lymphatic System Function

A sample of the Topics Covered Are:

Antigens and Antibodies
Herbs for the Immune System
Diseases of the Lymphatic System
Learn more about Lyme Disease
Facial Diagnosis


Business and You! Learn how to run a Clinical Herbalist practice, a successful business, and attract clients who love you.

Some topics covered are:

How to follow Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs)
Running a Successful Herbal Business
Pricing Equation
Business Cards
Social Media Pages
Brochure and Flyer Design
Reaching Out to The Media
Some Tips for Being on TV/Podcasts/Interviews
Rack Cards- Promotional Materials
Package Design Research
Public Relations
Resources for Business

Final Exam for Completion of Course.

Herbalism is Connection

Wellness isn’t disposable; it comes from nature. We believe in helping students connect with vitality and health in their lives. Here at the Heart of Herb Herbal School, we believe holistic herbal-based wellness and nutrition are essential and experiencing a rebirth in modern culture. This certification for the herbalist program is rooted in science and tradition. Let us help you learn how to become a clinical herbalist. Additionally, other names for this distinction are Certified Master Herbalist or Master Herbalist. In addition, we have a Master Herbalist Bundle for students wanting to take their education to the next level.

The course transports students through the body systems. Moreover, it contains over 200+ recipes, formulation tips, 80+ lectures, presentations, and other educational materials. Students learn about the history and science of herbalism, safety, contraindications, and materia medicas. We work to make herbal education fun, practical, and sustainable for students and their future goals. Above all, we believe in supporting our students on their herbal journey. Heart of Herbs Herbal School is we feel is one of the best herbal schools in the world, and our students agree. Furthermore, this Clinical Herbalist Certification Course gives you what you need to succeed.

Has herbalism been calling you? Has the cost, time, or resources stopped you from taking the next step? Are you dreaming of a career in herbalism?

In addition, this affordable course is a self-paced online program that gives students with little or no herbal experience the tools for working with herbs. You can turn your skills into a new career or business. Learn more about Clinical Herbalist salaries.

Furthermore, your work will ignite the flames of herbalism, set you on a path of herbal confidence, and give you the skills to fulfill your herbal dreams!

clinical herbalist herbal schools

Enrollment includes: Access to all educational materials in the Clinical Herbalist Program, bonuses, and other course resources. Over 80 lectures for students to enjoy. This is the best Certification for Herbalist available.

Extensive student resources. Over 80 lectures including special guests exclusives. Supportive educational materials. Students can print and save all course materials.

Instructable resources, lectures, recipes and formulas, printables, and other educational resources. This program contains hundreds of formulations and recipes.

Instruction, Connection, and Access to our Student Support Group. Business training and development resources. Join one of the best herbal schools for the future!

Are you ready to become a Clinical Herbalist?

Heart of Herbs Herbal School has a long history of supporting students with their goals. Our Clinical Herbalist Certification program offers students a comprehensive education, from budding herbalists to community practitioners and formulators. You can use this education program for your career goals. Herbal Schools like Heart of Herbs, work to help you achieve your goals.

What do students do when they complete the Clinical Herbalist Certification course? 

In addition, as a Clinical Herbalists, many students have herbal practices or product companies. Furthermore, most students, upon completion, start herbal businesses. They open shops and health practices and teach classes of their own. The program is known worldwide for its full teacher support, practicality, high student success rate, and satisfaction. Becoming a Certified Herbalist has never been easier. The Clinical Herbalist Certification Course sets students on the path to success.

Who is my teacher?

 Demetria Clark, the best-selling author, is your primary teacher. She is our Founder and Director and always has time for students. Most importantly, we have been serving students since 1998. Join our student group and work with students from all over the world. Contact us with any questions.

How long does the course take?

Generally, students take at least 15 months to complete the Clinical Herbalist Certification course, but you can work at your own pace. Moreover, you can work knowing we appreciate your busy life and are here to support you.

Can I connect with other students?

Yes, we have a vibrant online community where students can connect with students, past and present. In addition, you can learn with others from all over the world.

Guess what?

If you have access to any updates. This includes bonuses, webinars, and Q&A sessions we offer. In addition, we also have student connection calls.

All students can have one-on-one support and access to the program director for assistance.


6 payments of $350.00

Here is just a sampling of the skills that clinical herbalist students will develop:

  • Knowing and recognizing potential herb/drug interactions
  • How to create formulas specific to a client’s needs.
  • You will be writing individual case studies that help you learn from their clinical experiences. The Clinical Herbalist Certification Course allows you to learn and grow as an herbalist.
  • Learning how to work with clients in a way that works for them.
  • You will learn to conduct client interviews and follow-up consultations.
  • Small business skills, like client attraction, personal growth, working with the media, and marketing.
  • Students also get two great eBooks as a bonus in their classroom! Herbal Actions and Herbal and Aromatherapy Recipes for Stress.

Your education will include:

  • Anatomy and physiology for each body system.
  • Extensive herbs and herbal formulas for each body system.
  • Methods of applications like tinctures, extracts, salves, infusions, decoctions, and other internal and topical applications.
  • How to formulate for specific needs or overall health.
  • Hundreds of recipes and formulas to use or to work from.
  • Moreover, we drop bonuses in your classrooms, like e-books, recipe booklets and tons of other fun gifts!

In this program, students can work at their own pace. Take the time you need to complete your program.

What will I learn?

When you embark upon the path to becoming a clinical master herbalist, you learn how to work closely with people who are seeking ways to support their health and well-being with herbalism. It’s a challenging, fulfilling profession that requires a great deal of understanding of herbalism, how to operate an herbalism business, practice within legal parameters, and having the education to back it all up.

Will I learn how to run a business?

During your Clinical Master Herbalists course, you will learn how to run a sustainable business. You will also learn how to interact with clients in a genuine, ethical, sustainable, and encouraging way! This clinical herbalist is specifically designed for those committed to advancing their herbal education and professional career. In this certification for herbalist program will assist you in running a business that aligns with your dreams and goals.

Students will get a detailed herbal education that combines direction in developing an herbal practice and assisting clients with a natural and scientific viewpoint. Our students benefit from a rigorous curriculum of study that stimulates them and helps them grow professionally.

The Clinical Herbalist program was developed to educate herbalists and health care providers. This program was curated to take all students to an advanced level. Become a Master Herbalist.

Is the program flexible for my life?

Yes, 100%. The Clinical Herbalist program requires commitment and engagement, but it helps provide students with the tools needed wherever their career takes them. This self-guided online course allows you to study at your own pace when convenient for your schedule. In addition, students can also benefit from working closely with Demetria Clark to achieve their dreams.

Some of our bonus expert contributors!

Click to expand and meet our experts.

We’re honored to have contributions and guest lectures from these talented herbalists. Better yet, we continue to add more contributions regularly to enrich the program further!

Kelli Hughart (PhD-c, FMCHC, RMT, CPC, CH)

Kelli is a multiple Heart of Herbs Herbal School program graduate and mind-body-medicine expert. She owns Sweetwater Wellness Center and helps clients find support through clinical hypnosis.

Sue Sierralupe

Sue is a Certified Master Herbalist, Master Gardener, and Sustainable Landscape Specialist. She was the clinical manager and lead herbalist at Occupy Medicine.

Bevin Cohen

Bevin is a Heart of Herbs Herbal School graduate. Bevin Cohen is an author, herbalist, gardener, seed saver, educator, and owner of Small House Farm in Michigan. Cohen offers workshops and lectures across the country on the benefits of living closer to the land through seeds, herbs, and locally grown food, and he has published numerous works on these topics, including the bestselling Saving Our Seeds and his highly anticipated new book, The Artisan Herbalist (New Society’ 21). He serves on the board of the International Herb Association and the advisory council for the Community Seed Network. Learn more about Cohen’s work on his website

Maria Christodoulou, Clinical Herbalist

Maria Christodoulou is a clinical herbalist who explores the practice of ancient Greek herbal medicine.  She earned a Master’s in Library Science from Drexel University and a Bachelor’s in Classics from Bucknell University.

Bevin Clare (M.S., R.H., CNS)

Bevin is the President of the American Herbalists Guild and a United Plant Savers board member. She is also a Program Director at the Maryland University of Integrative Health and the author of Spice Apothecary.

Lisa Ganora

Lisa directed the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism from 2012 – 2020. She is also the author of Herbal Constituents, 2nd Ed., a popular textbook on herbal phytochemistry for natural health practitioners that schools and universities use worldwide.

Jane Gee

Jane Gee owns Jane Gee and a Heart of Herbs Herbal School Graduate. Jane is a certified Master Holistic Esthetician, aromatherapist, flower essence practitioner, and Heart of Herbs Herbal School Graduate. She founded JaneGee, a line of all-natural skincare products based in Australia.


What our students have to say, student testimonials.

So Many Things!

I loved the down-to-earth, non-judgmental, Mom to Mom feeling of this program! I really enjoyed all the lectures and videos. I am a visual learner.

I loved the 9 books, they are beautiful. I also felt all the assignments on making herbal products were fantastic and guaranteed hands-on learning.

Amanda M.

Support! I had it.

Support, with this program I had it. I couldn’t believe the amazing things other students were doing with their education. It was so inspiring.

The courses have so much information and content. I couldn’t believe how much I learned. I can formulate professional herbal remedies for clients and support them.



This experience was truly such an inspiration. The things I loved most about the course were the wide range of references and visuals that were used as a collective curriculum. It is important as an educator to be able to have different types of references such as articles, audio clips, visual aids, cheat sheets, etc. to ensure that your information is being received effectively. I am so grateful for this opportunity.

A. West-Robinson

herbalist clinical


Join Us!

At Heart of Herbs Herbal School, we support you on your herbal journey. We update resources, respond to emails, and schedule phone calls with students when needed. We want you to feel supported while you pursue your herbal studies from the comfort of your own home.

Moreover, we have a supportive and diverse student body with students from all over the world. We encourage you to connect with our student group and learn and grow with each other.

We believe in support, mentorship, and connection. Check out our FAQs.


We’re so excited to “see” you in class.

It’s time to steep a cup of tea, sharpen your pencil, and prepare for the herbal journey of a lifetime! 

6 payments of $350.00

How long does the course take?

Most students take about at least year to complete the program. Clinical Herbalist Certification Course is an intensive education program of the highest caliber.

Is this course recognized by the American Herbalist Guild?

Yes. The AHG recognizes us. Our program exceeds AHG educational guidelines. This is a 3500-hour program.

Are there prerequisites?

No. Anyone who wants to become a Clinical Herbalist can take this program. We just ask that you are ready to learn. laughing Some students have taken the Herbal Certification program first, but it is not required.

Can I make a living?
Depending on what type of herbalism or aromatherapy you decide to practice, you can do any of the following. Making money as an herbalist or aromatherapist is entirely up to you; you need to have a good work ethic, develop business skills, and believe in yourself. No program will make you successful or not; that is inside of you.

Some of the jobs our students have taken after finishing.

  • Herbal toiletries – soaps, oils, bath salts, shampoos
  • Clinical Herbalist/ Practicing Herbalist
  • Run an Apothecary
  • Lead Botanical Adventures
  • Cook for Herbal Associations
  • Botanical Medicine Maker
  • Own an Herb Farm
  • Facilitate herbal trips, adventures, getaways
  • A salesperson in an herbal operation
  • Health and Beauty at a health food store or food cooperative
  • Run an Herbal Business
  • Work in ways to assist herbalists with technological issues, websites, etc..
  • Farm
  • Wildflower grower

These are just a few avenues you can venture down, but with a little imagination, I am sure you can come up with dozens more. Many of my students incorporate their practice into their present life, bakers, Innkeepers, Coffee House Owner, Farmers, etc..


Salary Questions? Clinical Herbalist Salary.

Clinical Herbalist Salary.

According to The base salary for an Herbalist ranges from $47,656 to $71,210 with the average base salary of $57,696. 

According to the American Herbalist Guild:

The American Herbalist Guild cites a broader spectrum of salaries, potentially due to part-time work. It says most herbalists make between $20,000 and $120,000 a year. This, of course, will depend on the herbalist’s business acumen, type of herbalism practices, where they are located, etc.. Most Clinical Herbalist charge between $60-120 an hour for consultations. Herbal product formulators, as can herbal growers, can potentially have the largest salaries.

Any hidden fees?

We do not charge grading, mentoring, or certification fees. We do not supply students with herbs, containers, or additional books.

Fees are marked out. The course price is all-inclusive except for the transcript and certificate fee. Students can, for free get a digital copy of the certificate. Most of our students wanted a digital certificate to include in resumes, etc. This is the same for transcripts. A free copy can be sent digitally. Demetria does not offer personal health advice or consult with students.

What is lifetime access?

Students have access to their course/s for the lifetime of that course. Students can upon enrollment download and save course materials to have for themselves for as long as they desire.

“Lifetime Course Access” means ongoing and complete access to your course for the life of the program, not for your life or the life of Demetria Clark. This is ongoing access at no additional charge until the course is no longer offered, at which time all members will be given at least 6 months’ notice before the program is closed. We will do our best to contact students by putting a notice in the classroom. 

Do you offer a certificate?

Yes, we do, only upon full completion of the course. Please know that if you do not pass you do not get certified, if you do not complete the work, you are not certified. Do not ask for special recognition of other work, these are specific programs and we require completion of all of our work. In the United States, herbal and aromatherapy education and certification are school-specific. No national standard or accreditation exists. Our programs have been taught to corporations, colleges and universities, and hospitals. You can pursue AHG recognition upon completion.

What about support?

We’ve got it.

Students can email, join our student support group, call or make an appointment to chat.

Do you have a supply list?

Yes, and no. You will find suggestions for supplies, herbs, and containers you may need in your classroom.
Here is the no part; your supplies are based on the projects and hands-on work you decide to do as part of your education.
We teach you how to formulate to decide what to make for your assignments. So if you are making a heal all salve we will teach you how to select the herbs and create the salve, each student has the freedom to use our recipes or create their own.